About Us

Who we are

We are an organization of women with carriers in all aspects of the traffic and transportation industry. Our goal is to share industry news, further education, network, promote charitable events, develop friendships, and foster an industry-wide spirit of sharing and community.


Community outreach & Charity


As a club “born and raised” in Baltimore, we make it our mission to invest, support and give back to our local communities and charities. Check out our events page for the most current happenings and ongoing drives.

The Women’s Traffic and Transportation Club of Baltimore is a proud sponsor of professional development and advancement for its active members. WTTC Baltimore encourages active members to apply for the professional advancement grant of up to $ 500. The purpose of this grant is to provide financial assistance to active members striving to achieve professional development and growth, by attending industry specific educational courses, seminars or other educational programs. Since 1933 our organization has provided education and support to women in the traffic and transportation industries and we continue to carry out this mission by awarding this grant to active members who are committed to furthering their education and training in the field of logistics and transportation. Grants are awarded throughout the year.


  • Applicants must have a status of “Active Member”, which means that membership dues have been paid and meetings have been attended for the full year.
  • Courses, seminars and other educational programs must be related to advancement in the Transportation and Logistics industry.


  • Active members interested in applying for the grant may login to their membership portal and submit the form.

Person of the Year

The WTTC Baltimore annually nominates and honors a “Person of The Year”. The criteria for this award was created by Virginia M. Young, our belated and much respected member, who was herself a subsequent recipient of the award. Nomination and consideration shall be given to any active member who is a leader, and has given unselfishly of her or himself without personal gain or recognition. Consideration will not only be given to the work accomplished within the framework of the Club, but also to the work the individual may be doing outside the Club, which would indicate the type of citizen the transportation industry has. Involvement in other transportation related organizations to promote the industry in general, energy and time dedicated to community and service activities, as well as extending a hand in friendship to those in need, whether it be advice, council, assistance in locating employment, or just saying a kind and encouraging word, are all characteristics of nominees and recipients of this prestigious award.

Richard Dix


Richard Dix

Carol Calhoun


Carol Calhoun

Doris Hornberger


Doris Hornberger